Youth Participant Code of Conduct


To maintain the integrity of the [Program Name] and foster a safe and enriching environment, youth participants and their parent/legal guardian agree, understand and commit to:

  • Be respectful of others and their surroundings.

  • Follow staff, volunteer, and guest instructions.

  • Fully and actively participate in the Program.

  • Participate in the full duration of the Program. Should a participant need to leave early, they must notify the Program Director.

  • Raise concerns respectfully.

  • Always remain with the group while on campus and in the residence halls.

  • If staying in the residence halls, keep their room clean and avoid any damaging activity.

  • If a youth participant contacts their parent/legal guardian with a complaint or concern, the parent/legal guardian is expected to notify the Program Director.

Youth participants must not:

  • Bully, harass, or use other derogatory language toward others.

  • Touch others in a physically or sexually aggressive manner.

  • Engage in any behavior that is sexually inappropriate, threatening, or harassing.

  • Misuse or damage University property.

  • Have one-on-one contact with staff outside the presence of others.

  • Have or consume tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs, including marijuana and its derivatives (synthetics, vapes, waxes, edibles, oils, etc.).

  • Have or use firearms or weapons of any kind.

  • Have or use sexually explicit literature or other media of any kind.

  • Inappropriately use cameras, audio/video equipment, computers, or web-based platforms (i.e. social media).

I understand that as a condition of my child’s acceptance into the Program, I agree that my child and I will comply with the terms and provisions outlined in this Code of Conduct. I further understand that the University reserves the right in its sole discretion to dismiss my child from the Program at any time should his or her actions or general behavior disrupt, interfere with, or otherwise impede the operations of the Program or the rights or welfare of any person. If my child is dismissed from the Program, I understand that I will not receive any refund (pro-rated or otherwise) for any portion of the Program.

My child and I acknowledge and represent that we have read this entire document, that we understand its terms and provisions and that we are signing it knowingly and voluntarily.