Advanced Operational Requirements

2.1 Supervision Ratios

Youth Programs that are subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must maintain the following supervision ratios (recommended by the American Camp Association) at all times. If the Program has Minor participants from different age ranges, the lowest age range should be used to determine the appropriate supervision ratio (Example: 1 staff member and 5 youth = 1:5 ratio for overnight programs).

Age of Youth Ratio for Day Programs (Staff/Volunteers:Minors) Ratio for Overnight Programs (Staff/Volunteer:Minors)
5 years and younger* 1:6


6-8 years 1:8 1:6
9-14 years 1:10 1:8
15-17 years 1:12 1:10

Minor participants, regardless of age, are not allowed, under any circumstances, to supervise other Minor participants.

*Programs involving Minors younger than 5 years of age are required to consult with OIE for further guidance.

2.2 Consent to Treat Forms

Youth Programs that are subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must collect completed Health (Medical and Mental) Consent to Treatment Forms signed by a parent or legal guardian for each Minor participant in the Youth Program before the Program commences.

2.3 Youth Participant Conduct Expectations

Youth Programs that are subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must create a Participant Code of Conduct and require all Minor participants and their parents or legal guardians to sign the Participant Code of Conduct. A sample Participant Code of Conduct developed by OIE, can be used or customized by the Youth Program. The Participant Code of Conduct must require that Minor participants comply with all University community standards and provide notice to parents/legal guardians that the University may remove a Minor participant from the Program

2.4 Pre-Program Planning Meeting

Youth Programs that are subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must meet with OIE prior to registering the Program. Meetings can be requested by emailing

2.5 Youth Program Personnel Identification

Youth Programs that are subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must ensure that all Youth Program Personnel are clearly identifiable by name badges, t-shirts, or other identification that allows others to know their association with the Program.

2.6 Emergency Preparedness Plan

Youth Programs subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must have an emergency preparedness plan in place. The plan should contain the following information, at a minimum:

  • A requirement that all Health (Medical and Mental) Consent to Treatment Forms collected before the program begins are stored on-site so they can be accessed in the event of an emergency;

  • A requirement that Youth Program Personnel contact 911 in the event of an emergency and remain with any youth who needs medical attention;

  • A requirement that all Youth Program Personnel receive and respond to ND Alerts;

  • A process for notifying parents/legal guardians in case of emergency, including medical or mental health concerns, natural disasters, or other significant program disruptions. Emergency contact information should be accessible for use in case of an emergency;

  • Protocols for a missing participant, severe weather, extreme heat, active threat of violence.

2.7 Check-in/Check-out Procedures

Youth Programs subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must institute a method to check-in and check-out Minor participants that is appropriate for the relevant age group and includes the following details: where cars can drive/park, who is authorized to collect a Minor participant, and what to do in the event a parent/legal guardian is late to collect a Minor participant. Most Minors participants should be required to be accompanied to a check-in/check-out area by a parent or guardian. Youth Programs must have on file who is authorized to pick up a Minor participant from the Youth Program.

2.8 Medication Management

Youth Programs may not store or administer prescription or non-prescription medications for Minor participants. If a Minor participant needs to take medication, they must be able to do so on their own or have their parent or legal guardian administer the medication.

All Youth Programs subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must require the parent/legal guardian of each Minor participant to sign a Statement Regarding Storing and Administration of Medications.

2.9 Health/Medical Protocols

All Youth Programs subject to Advanced Operational Requirements must comply with the following health/medical protocols:

  • Accidents and Injuries: Youth Programs must have a plan for responding to accidents and injuries and must clearly document the nature and cause of any accident or injury, the treatment administered in response to the accident or injury, and the persons notified of the accident or injury. Youth Programs must report any accidents or injuries to OIE.

  • Seeking Medical Care: If a Minor participant requires medical care, the Responsible Party must contact the Minor’s parent or legal guardian. It is best if the parent can bring the Minor to a provider themselves. If the parent/guardian is not available to take the Minor to a provider and the situation is not an emergency, the Youth Program may take the Minor to University Health Services for treatment.

    • In the event of an emergency, contact 911.

  • Accommodating Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that University programs make reasonable accommodations if necessary for participants with disabilities. Youth Programs should work with the Equal Opportunity and Access Program Manager in OIE if a Minor participant is in need of an accommodation.

  • Allergies: Youth Programs should be aware of all food and other allergies included on the Health (Medical and Mental) Consent to Treat forms, as well as any medication or emergency response treatment process documented for the youth (including the use of an Epi Pen or other rescue medication). Incidents involving an allergic reaction must be reported to the parent/legal guardian and documented by the Responsible Party.